Melissa Walker

Today please join me in welcoming Melissa Walker author of the Violet Series to the blog.

Hollywood Candids

While I don’t envy celebrities their lack of privacy or their must-stay-thin-and-beautiful mentality, there are a few things about their lives that I could get into. You know, the money, the fashion, the great last-minute restaurant reservations…

And at the risk of sounding narcissistic, I wish I had an authentic photo of myself. I’m so doofy in pictures (see faux quirky one here) that sometimes I wish for an ultra-flattering, unposed shot. The kind the paparazzi get when they use those huge telefoto lenses from 1000 feet while a star is joyfully living life, unaware, as gorgeous pictures get snapped. Wouldn’t a series of those be fun to have in an album?

I recently learned about Methodlzaz, a style of photography by Brooklyn-based Izaz Rony, and I may just get my wish. Basically, Izaz takes down your weekly schedule and then you go about your day – working, running errands, dining out, shopping. A photographer assigned to you takes undercover photos on the sly. You won’t even realize s/he’s there.

Okay, some of you are thinking that’s slightly creepy, right? But how cool are some of his gallery photos? (See some samples here: You can even request the emotion or mood you want the photographer to capture.

I fantasize that with Izaz I’ll find my authentic, smiling, breezy self, at least photographically. The photos are like works of art — moments in time of your real life. And I’ll feel like a celebrity for a day (as long as he edits out the double chin shots).

Anyone with me?

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