Wow. The universe is an amazing place. So remember how I mentioned that I adore Kristin Higgins? She is one of the authors that helped me make a return to my original love (the pun isn’t intentional) romance fiction. Just the other day I got an email from Terry Kate the creator of the website Romance In The Backseat. Seems RITBS has an ahem ‘short story‘ (which is rapidly turning into a book) going. Terry invites authors to write 750 to 1000 words as part of the story. Terry asked me to do a segment and guess who has written two parts of this short-story-turning-into-a-book project….hmmm? Kristin Higgins. Uh-huh. So now I can say I’ve written a story with Kristin Higgins. That’s right, little old moi. Just knocking around some ideas with my best-selling author friends. Oh..and their are others…other authors that are just as magnificent; Megan Crane, Cat Johnson, Allie Boniface, Toni Andrews. My portion posts on Saturday be sure to check it out here.