To write is to expose oneself. It doesn’t matter if you write literary fiction, thriller, horror, young adult, comedy, romance, womens fiction, or screenplays–when you write you expose not only your ability to put word to page but also your inner-self.
There are rules to writing. There is a definite order buried in each novel–no matter the type. First you learn the technique of writing and then you actually write.
I constantly question my ability as a writer to the point of neurosis–just ask the Hubs. I remember when I embarked on this journey I would often think ‘if only I was published’ or ‘once I’m published’ things will be different, better, easier, more fun, (insert any positive word here).
While there is some relief that comes with being published–that relief doesn’t last. Like every endeavor, with advancement or the meeting of a goal the expectations and responsibilities change. Writing takes on a whole different quality when everyone expects you to publish. This isn’t just about fun anymore. This is a career.
The goal line moved. My expectations changed. And my patience for failure walked out the door.
It is with dogged determination that I pursue my next story, my next character, my next book. I am a writer–no matter what the outcome–telling stories is what I do.
Great post Maggie. No matter what I do, I am right there with you – writing, telling stories.
Love this post!
Lots of pressure in this business. You have to really love it to stick with it.